Friday, August 1, 2014

Top technologies the CIA thinks are hot

11 big data certifications that will pay off

Most USB thumb drives can be reprogrammed to silently infect computers

ITworld Today
August 01, 2014
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Top technologies the CIA thinks are hot

Through its investment firm called In-Q-Tel, the CIA funds companies, mostly start-ups, to push forward technologies deemed useful to government intelligence agencies.


Issue highlights

1. 11 big data certifications that will pay off

2. Most USB thumb drives can be reprogrammed to silently infect computers

3. Almost 200,000 people may have been affected by US visa system crash

4. Some are twisting the facts in requests to be forgotten, Google says

5. MongoDB snags key Oracle engineer

6. Judge rules against Microsoft in email privacy case

7. Sony stumbles with Playstation Now open beta pricing

8. BOOK GIVEAWAY: The Official Ubuntu Book, 8th Ed.

Webcast: Box

Top Mobile Management Questions Answered

How can IT provide seamless and secure mobile communications and collaboration for all? Take a look at this on-demand Webcast where IDG asks an expert panel pressing questions surrounding mobile security and management. Prepare to have with your mobility questions answered! Learn more

11 big data certifications that will pay off

Want an extra edge looking for your next job? Get big data certified. READ MORE

Most USB thumb drives can be reprogrammed to silently infect computers

Most USB devices have a fundamental security weakness that can be exploited to infect computers with malware in a way that cannot easily be prevented or detected, security researchers found. READ MORE

Almost 200,000 people may have been affected by US visa system crash

Computer problems with the U.S. State Department's system for issuing passports and visas may have affected up to 200,000 people, it emerged Thursday, as the scale of the problem became clear for the first time. READ MORE

Some are twisting the facts in requests to be forgotten, Google says

Some of those seeking to scrub their histories from the Web under Europe's "right to be forgotten" rule are being economical with the truth when making their requests, Google said Thursday. READ MORE

White Paper: Riverbed Technology

IDC ROI Infographic

Current trends such as evolving and shifting communication patterns, connection types, applications and bandwidth can have a business impact on enterprise organizations. Learn how IT organizations can improve the business value of WAN optimization and maximize their business ROI. Read now>>

MongoDB snags key Oracle engineer

Upstart NoSQL software vendor MongoDB has snagged a key engineer from the ranks of Oracle, the company's largest competitor in the database software market. READ MORE

Judge rules against Microsoft in email privacy case

A U.S. district court judge has ruled against Microsoft in the company's effort to oppose a U.S. government search warrant for emails stored in Ireland. READ MORE

Sony stumbles with Playstation Now open beta pricing

You can now stream a limited selection of PS3 games to your PS4, assuming money is no object. READ MORE

BOOK GIVEAWAY: The Official Ubuntu Book, 8th Ed.

Whether you're new to Ubuntu on on your way to power user status, "The Official Ubuntu Book" is your ideal one-stop knowledge source. Five will win. Enter the drawing today! READ MORE

Webcast: IBM

Reinventing Storage Efficiency!

What if you could reduce your storage costs by half? Watch this webcast to hear how you can maximize the economics of your data center by modifying your storage footprint and power usage using Flash Storage, and to learn how IBM is accelerating storage efficiency. Register Now


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The Official Ubuntu Book, 8th Ed.

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Ringing a bell: 11 common phrases and terms that came from obsolete technology

IT salaries for the 20 hottest tech skills

Quick Look: Ubuntu GNOME 14.04

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