Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Polly wants an iPad: 10 ways critters use computers

Secrets to CIO longevity

Best Buy dreams of laptop revival amid 'crashing' tablet sales

ITworld Tonight
July 30, 2014
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Polly wants an iPad: 10 ways critters use computers

I just called to say EEE EEE EEE. Orangutans go ape for Skype -- and 9 other ways animals use computers.


Issue highlights

1. Secrets to CIO longevity

2. Best Buy dreams of laptop revival amid 'crashing' tablet sales

3. Red Hat aims at standardization with Linux for 64-bit ARM servers

4. Microsoft's Windows Phone dilemma: Sell cheap phones or great cameras?

5. 'Right to be forgotten' ruling is unworkable and misguided, UK Lords say

6. iPhone gets first free app for encrypting voice calls

7. Is Silicon Valley's image going up in flames?

8. Reader question: How can I clean a keyboard after spilling a drink on it?

Secrets to CIO longevity

Most CIOs stay in their positions only about five years, but others manage to stick around longer. Here's a look at what it takes to remain effective when you hunker down in one place. READ MORE

Best Buy dreams of laptop revival amid 'crashing' tablet sales

A couple years ago, few people would have bet on the laptop as the savior for an ailing tablet market. But that's what Best Buy seems to be counting on as tablet sales fall flat. READ MORE

Red Hat aims at standardization with Linux for 64-bit ARM servers

Red Hat has developed a version of the Linux operating system that can be used to test chips and associated hardware based on the ARMv8-A 64-bit architecture for servers with the aim of standardizing that market. READ MORE

Microsoft's Windows Phone dilemma: Sell cheap phones or great cameras?

The camera's the thing--or is it? Rumored 'Tesla' and 'Superman' Windows Phones show two sides to Microsoft's strategy. READ MORE

'Right to be forgotten' ruling is unworkable and misguided, UK Lords say

The EU court ruling that gives people the "right to be forgotten" by search engines is misguided in principle and unworkable in practice, said a U.K. House of Lords subcommittee Wednesday. READ MORE

iPhone gets first free app for encrypting voice calls

An open-source project has released the first free application for the iPhone that scrambles voice calls, which would thwart government surveillance or eavesdropping by hackers. READ MORE

Is Silicon Valley's image going up in flames?

Tech companies are under fire for indirectly helping con artists, manipulating people's emotions and discriminatory hiring practices. READ MORE

Reader question: How can I clean a keyboard after spilling a drink on it?

Reader bcastle writes: "I just spilled a can of Coke on my PC's keyboard. I've unplugged it and have it upside down on paper towels. What else can I do to clean it so that I don't have to buy a new one? I can already imagine the feel of those sticky keys when I try to use it again. Yuck." READ MORE


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