Thursday, July 31, 2014

12 powerful websites that can replace your desktop software

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07.31.2014  View in a Browser
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12 powerful websites that can replace your desktop software

07.31.2014 3:00 AM

These days, even brawny tasks like video editing can take place solely in your browser. Check out these great sites for productivity, creativity, security and more.

chrome logo

64-bit Google Chrome browser moves into beta

07.30.2014 11:47 AM

A 64-bit version of Chrome inches closer to release status as Google releases it in beta form.


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PCWorld News

No patch yet for zero day in Symantec Endpoint Protection software driver

07.30.2014 7:45 PM

Symantec has published recommendations for mitigating the danger

Terse FCC letter suggests Verizon's plan to throttle unlimited data is a cash grab

07.31.2014 6:12 AM

Tom Wheeler's sharply worded letter questions why Verizon is singling out customers with unlimited plans

amad a series kaveri

AMD's Kaveri processors coming to smaller, cheaper desktops

07.31.2014 6:53 AM

AMD's new chips will bring console-style gaming to small desktops

Facebook's app gives Zambia mobile users free, basic Internet access

07.31.2014 6:36 AM

Mobile users in Zambia get free access to services like Wikipedia, Google and Facebook

PCWorld News

China's Xiaomi rises to fifth place in smartphone rankings

07.31.2014 1:55 AM

Samsung's smartphone shipments are suffering because of competition from Chinese vendors


Android grabs record 85 percent smartphone share

07.31.2014 6:21 AM

Large-screen iPhones could pose a threat to Google's dominance, said Strategy Analytics


Attackers use domino effect to compromise your accounts

07.30.2014 12:00 PM

The two-factor authentication used to “protect” your accounts is often insecure itself and poses a weak link that can be exploited by attackers.

modbook pro x hero stand

Modbook launches Kickstarter campaign for Modbook Pro X Mac tablet

07.30.2014 3:47 PM

For only $2,000 or so, you can convert the upgraded MacBook Pro to a 15.4-inch Mac tablet.

arm logo

AMD's new 64-bit ARM board points way to x86 coexistence

07.30.2014 11:45 AM

AMD's 64-bit server development board has the company's first ARM processors on board.


Senate committee: Mobile phone 'cramming' widespread, profits carriers

07.30.2014 2:05 PM

Unauthorized third-party billing has cost U.S. mobile phone customers hundreds of millions of dollars, a report says.

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