Thursday, June 26, 2014

Researchers bypass PayPal's two-factor authentication system

  Liquid surveillance privacy bashfest: Brave Citizens vs Scorched Earth? | Researchers bypass PayPal's two-factor authentication system

  ITworld Security Strategies

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BOOK GIVEAWAY: The Rails 4 Way
Five will win. Enter the drawing today! Read More

WEBCAST: CA Technologies
The End of Data Protection As We Know It.
A fundamental change is necessary to fix data protection. It requires the adoption of a modern architecture that has been designed to solve today's complex problems, as well as provide a highly scalable platform for the future. Learn more!


Navigating DevOps: Learn What It Is and Why It Matters
In this eBook you'll learn; what DevOps is, where it came from, why it was created and who's adopting a whole lot more. Learn more!

Liquid surveillance privacy bashfest: Brave Citizens vs Scorched Earth?
Two pro-privacy authors, David Brin and Peter Watts have vastly different ideas about privacy, civil liberties and surveillance. Read More

Researchers bypass PayPal's two-factor authentication system
PayPal was one of the first large online services providers to offer two-factor authentication to its users, but until recently the company's implementation had a loophole that could have allowed attackers to bypass this additional protection. Read More

Warrants needed for cellphone searches, Supreme Court rules
Police cannot generally search cellphones without a warrant when they are arresting someone, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a unanimous decision Wednesday that weighs heavily in favor of Fourth Amendment and privacy rights. Read More

Fewer NTP servers can be abused to amplify DDoS attacks, but threat remains
The number of NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers that can be abused to amplify DDoS attacks has decreased dramatically this year, but the threat remains. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Google Apps
Tangible and Quantifiable Benefits of Google Apps
Switching to Google Apps is bringing organizations of all sizes significant cost savings as well as unexpected productivity benefits. This Forrester study highlights how Google Apps are enabling employees to get more done, free IT from on-premise software and server management, and deliver a break-even in less than two months. Learn more>>

Montana data breach exposed 1.3 million records
Up to 1.3 million records, including health care and bank account information, may have been exposed after a server at Montana's public health department was hacked in May, the state said Tuesday. Read More

Police test smartphones over cellular for undercover use during Boston Marathon
During April's Boston Marathon, police in Brookline, Mass., piloted a wireless system that let undercover police and supervisors to use ordinary iPhones and Android devices to communicate with rugged Land Mobile Radios over LTE and other commercial cellular networks. Read More

Police turning to mobile malware for monitoring, study says
Governments are increasingly using spyware for mobile devices to monitor targets, raising questions over the possible misuse of such tools, a new study suggests. Read More

10 things to know about the smartphone kill switch
Apple already has one, Microsoft and Google say they'll build one, Minnesota will demand it from next year and it could soon be the law in California and maybe nationwide. The smartphone kill switch appears to be on its way to every handset sold in the U.S. so what's all the fuss about? Here's a look at the main points of the technology. Read More



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The Rails 4 Way
Through detailed code examples, you'll dive deep into the Rails 4 code base, discover why Rails is designed as it is, and learn how to make it do exactly what you want. Enter now!

JavaScript Essentials LiveLessons (Video Training)
In 4 hours of video instruction, JavaScript Essentials LiveLessons provides a solid foundation on which to build skills, from the perspective of a web developer. Enter now!


Ringing a bell: 11 common phrases and terms that came from obsolete technology

IT salaries for the 20 hottest tech skills

Quick Look: Ubuntu GNOME 14.04

Haunting photos of a village built to handle electronic waste

Willkommen software engineers! 10 countries that pay you what you're worth


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