ITworld Today | | Firefox's new smartphone OS has been making big news at the Worldwide Mobile Congress, with a slew of new phones available for it. But Firefox phones are likely not ones you'll want -- not now, and maybe not ever. Here are three reasons why it's not for you. | | Issue highlights 1. Gitty up: 12 things other than programming code that are managed on GitHub 2. Ten smartphones that caught our eye at Mobile World Congress 3. Office Online's best new feature 4. The hardest part of switching from iPhone: 'Not Delivered' (and how to fix it) 5. How to land a job at a top tech company 6. Programmers say the darndest things 7. 15 photos that show the power of the iPhone's camera 8. Java SE8 for the Really Impatient [BOOK GIVEAWAY] | Webcast: Riverbed Technology Watch this webcast and learn more about the challenges and benefits of software-defined cloud delivery. Learn how to provide more scalable, dynamic application support; determine if your ADC is cloud-aware; and increase application performance and portability across cloud services. Making Your Application Delivery Environment Cloud-Ready | The popular platform for open source software is increasingly being used to share, manage and crowdsource things other than code READ MORE | As we walked from one end of the Barcelona exhibit hall to the other, these were the smartphones that stood out from the crowd. READ MORE | An easier way to navigate Microsoft's online office suite. READ MORE | It's much harder than it looks to leave the wonderfully free world of Messages and get back to standard text messages with friends. So much so, you might wonder why it is so hard. READ MORE | Resource compliments of: VictorOps 70% of an outage is spent finding the right person with the right knowledge. VictorOps engages Dev, IT and Support on all of their devices to solve problems quickly. Manage on-call schedules, integrate with existing monitoring tools, and push via SMS, voice and email. Not to mention one touch on-call handoffs, and Android and iOS native apps. Try it free for 30 days. No firstborn (or credit card) required. | HR dishes on why smarts aren't a slam dunk. READ MORE | Developers and managers share some of the silliest answers to technical interview questions that they've heard - or given. READ MORE | The iPhone has changed the world of digital photography. Not only are more images than ever shared around the world, but photographers from amateurs to pros are using iPhones to capture the moment in creative new ways. READ MORE | Five will win. Enter the drawing today! READ MORE | Webcast: Box Consumer sync and share tools help people access and send personal files, but smart IT leaders know that businesses require more than just ease-of-use. Strong security, mobile support, and deployment architecture are just a few of the many important factors to consider when evaluating vendors for a company-wide solution. Learn more! | | | | | |
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