Thursday, February 27, 2014

Windows 8: Learn to love it

10 cities that provide 1-Gig internet services | At DirecTV, the CEO and CIO Are on the Same Wavelength
February 27, 2014 Share this email
Your guide to the top content posted this week for Insider members

Windows 8: Learn to love it

Face the facts: Windows 7 PCs aren't about to magically appear out of the woodwork, and Windows 9 is at least a year away from fruition. Windows 8 isn't going anywhere, and it's time to settle in with Microsoft's current OS.

Network World

10 cities that provide 1-Gig internet services

Municipal broadband is becoming a contentious issue in the race to establish ubiquitous high-speed Internet throughout the United States. READ MORE


At DirecTV, the CEO and CIO Are on the Same Wavelength

Michael White, CEO of DirecTV, describes the company's innovation culture and what he expects from his CIO


Is Your IT Shop a Scrambler or a Leader?

An IT veteran describes the four stages of the technology organization -- and what it takes to move up a notch READ MORE


How CIOs Unravel IT Systems After a Business Divestiture

With divestitures on the rise, CIOs at Hess, DuPont and other companies that are selling off pieces of the business must rip apart deeply integrated systems. READ MORE


IT Resume Makeover: How to Write to Your Audience

Even professional writers can have problems with their resume. In this month's Resume Makeover, we help a senior technical writer hone his message and appeal to the right audience. READ MORE

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