Monday, December 2, 2013

Play Classic Hover! On Your Modern Browser; Simple Google Analytics Alternatives

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Microsoft shows off modern browser with 1995 computer game

Oct 2, 2013 11:05 AM

In case you need a touch of nostalgia to carry you through the week, Microsoft has just released a version of Hover! that runs in the browser.

Hover! was originally bundled with Windows 95, and puts players in the seat of a hovercraft on a 3D map. The goal is to collect three flags scattered around the map before your computer-controlled opponents do, avoiding obstacles using powerups to get an edge.

The version that Microsoft just launched (shown above)--available at a modern facelift with futuristic graphics and multiple hovercraft to choose from. There's also a private online multiplayer mode, which generates a link for up to eight players to join.

Note: Clicking the linked "" text in the article's third paragraph will take you to the website where you can play the game.
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4 simpler alternatives to Google Analytics

Oct 2, 2013 3:23 PM

Let's get it out of the way up front: You're a fool if you don't include Google Analytics in your toolkit as a way to track your website's traffic. The advantages are almost too numerous to list. A de facto industry standard, its reports are often taken as gospel by advertisers. Google Analytics also has robust multi-user features (so your Web developer can also keep an eye on traffic, for example), and it syncs well with AdWords, making it easy to see whether your paid ads elsewhere on the Web are getting results.

But maybe you just don't like Google. Maybe you don't like the famously complicated interface that Google Analytics features. Or maybe you just want to double up on tracking tools so you can ensure Google is giving you accurate information.

Alternate tracking services are legion, and while most of them are inexpensive, only a few are actually free. Here's a look at four noteworthy alternative tracking tools, all of which I tried out in production on my own wine and spirits blog, While most do have a nominal cost, all of them offer free trials with no credit card required to sign up. (Full pricing is discussed below.)

Note: Clicking the linked name of each tracking tool at the head of its section will take you to the website where you can get or use it.
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