Thursday, October 31, 2013

Chris Poelker: Data deduplication in the cloud explained, part three: Implementation methods

Tablet App Lets Subway Find the Best Sandwich Artists | Where cloud backup fits the bill
October 31, 2013 Share this email
Your guide to the top content posted this week for Insider members

Chris Poelker: Data deduplication in the cloud explained, part three: Implementation methods

You may be scratching your head about how to apply deduplication to your enterprise or service organization. This is perfectly reasonable, as several terms have been bandied about by vendors in the industry regarding which type of deduplication is the best. Here is a simple breakdown and explanation of these terms so you can make the right call for your company.  


Tablet App Lets Subway Find the Best Sandwich Artists

Subway's tablet apps attract more job candidates and help franchisees streamline the hiring process. READ MORE


Where cloud backup fits the bill

A couple weeks ago, I delved into the challenges of trying to use the cloud to replace tape for traditional on-premises backup. Although cloud backup can replace tape for small businesses or larger IT departments without long-term retention requirements, enterprises will rarely be able to consider cloud backup as a tape replacement. READ MORE


CIO at Waste Management Wears Many Hats

Puneet Bhasin is CIO and senior vice president of technology, logistics, customer service and strategic accounts -- a portfolio that keeps him focused on business matters. READ MORE

Network World

Masters of disasters: IT survivors of Katrina, Sandy and other natural disasters share their DR tips and tricks

Natural and manmade disasters are facts of life. Smart IT managers prepare for the worst before trouble hits, so that the businesses and government institutions that rely on IT can resume normal operations as soon as possible. READ MORE


How to Find IT Talent Capable of Being Customer-Focused

CIOs need to find the IT workers who are comfortable focusing on customers, market forces and revenue.  READ MORE


How the C-Suite Can Close the Gender Gap

CIOs and other top execs should identify women for the executive talent pipeline, then provide coaching and workplace flexibility, says Elaine Miller, a managing director with PricewaterhouseCoopers


Computer Criminals Continue to Vex IT Groups

As security breaches rise, CIOs and CISOs aren't as good as they think they are at protecting corporate assets. READ MORE

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