Thursday, August 15, 2013

Citizens fight back again surveillance

  Peter Smith: Playstation 4 launch date leaked; Microsoft no longer requires Kinect with Xbox One
Your Morning Countdown
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August 15, 2013 Surveillance gear is everywhere these days and people are starting to fight back. Read about the impending jamming wars
10. Peter Smith: Playstation 4 launch date leaked; Microsoft no longer requires Kinect with Xbox One

9. Wanna win $500? Share your opinions via this survey and you just might!

8. Best advice from sys admins, for sys admins

7. US and Germany to enter no-spying agreement, German government says

6. Matthew Mombrea: Amazon introduces web apps to its Android app store
WHITE PAPER: CA Technologies

Best Practices for Maintaining Security and Control
Most organizations want to leverage the cloud, but also recognize that migrating all their applications all at once is not always practical. In taking a prudent and measured approach, they are seeking ways to utilize cloud-based applications and infrastructure while maintaining certain applications on-premise.
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5. Chris Nerney: Can humans handle the psychological challenge of living on Mars?

4. Microsoft to ship Windows 8.1 in mid-October

3. Google acknowledges Nexus 7 tablet problems with GPS, multi-touch

2. China preparing stimulus program to possibly spark PC, handset sales

1. Paul Roberts: Next up: The Jamming wars
WHITE PAPER: Cisco Systems

An In-Depth Guide for Data Center Transformation
To prepare your data center for cloud, you need a holistic framework: Cisco Domain Ten(SM). Use this comprehensive guide to create a roadmap, find best practices and use-cases, and learn the ten crucial factors that can make or break your project.
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