Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Daily Digest Coolest Gadgets for 04/09/2013

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Apr 09, 2013 12:02 pm | Julie

New Panasonic Streaming Media Player Does it All, including 3D!

I can’t say I’m a huge fan of television, movies yes, but TV, not so much. I find myself leaning more towards streaming my home entertainment and ditching the darn cable company and its 200 dollar a month bill altogether. I would have done so already, but my husband and 10 year old still watch prime time television, I know, I can’t believe it myself! I don’t know what they’re watching together, I’m in the other room with my Netflix, I’m trying to remember the last TV show that was really worth watching, if you know of one, please let me know.

In the meantime, Panasonic is providing us with some fantastic entertainment options in it’s brandy-new Streaming Media Player DMT-MST60. The MST60 let’s your TV go where it has never gone before. Including VIERA Connect, this stand alone streaming media player will give you access to all kinds of web entertainment including gaming, videos-on-demand, sports, Skype and many other App options.

The MST60 also gives you Miracast, allowing you to stream content directly from your smartphone right to your big screen TV. And lets face it, your own personal photos, videos and games are likely to be some of the best stuff on TV! Content sharing is also a simple task because of the unit’s built in Wi-Fi, look mom! no wires or cables!

The MST60 also works some magic on your everyday television viewing with it’s cool 2D to 3D conversion. Using a special digital conversion process, Panasonic’s Streaming Media Player let’s you watch your 2D entertainment in” jump out at you” 3D. Awesome! Now if you guys could tell me what to watch.

So get all you can out of your TV and give yourself every option with Panasonic’s New Streaming Media Player. You can have one in a few days for only 99 bucks from shop.panasonic.com.
[ New Panasonic Streaming Media Player Does it All, including 3D! copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Apr 09, 2013 06:30 am | Edwin

R/C Wi-Spi Helicopter

Remember back in the days when everyone on the street had at least one remote controlled toy, and you had to practically beg your parents to buy you one too this Christmas, so that you will not feel left out? Well, now that you are working, don't you think that it is about time you treat yourself to the toys of your liking and interest? Case in point, the $169.99 R/C Wi-Spi Helicopter which is said to bring normal toys to the next level.

In a nutshell, you can deduce from the name of this particular toy alone that this will be a remote controlled helicopter that sports its very own integrated camera, and it is capable of transmitting live footage to a smartphone – regardless of whether it runs on the Android or iOS operating system, via an app. The R/C Wi-Spi Helicopter is also controlled using your smartphone or tablet of course, where you are able to save photos from the in-flight camera to your handset instantly, and follow that up with a quick share to a social network somewhere. I wonder whether kids who are curious to see their neighbors would use this to their advantage, and they might stumble upon some embarrassing scenes along the way, too.

[ R/C Wi-Spi Helicopter copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Apr 09, 2013 06:00 am | Edwin

Menstrual Cramp Relieving Compression Belt

Some ladies do suffer from menstrual cramps each month, and depending on the person, the attack could come in different levels of intensity and pain. Well, what kind of relief can a poor girl find in this day and age of modern medical technology? Those who want to exhaust all possibilities on their own first (or have already tried everything else to no avail) might want to consider giving the $149.95 Menstrual Cramp Relieving Compression Belt a go.

The Menstrual Cramp Relieving Compression Belt is a compression belt which claims to offer relief from menstrual discomfort in a matter of minutes, all without having to take in medication or make use of hot water bottles. It is the brainchild of a chiropractor who treats elite female athletes, and even better is the fact that the Menstrual Cramp Relieving Compression Belt does not require any kind of batteries or electricity to power it. All the patient needs to do is fasten the belt, lie on one's side and use an adjustable mechanism in order to increase the tension of its two compression pads against the hips. Whenever steady pressure is applied in this area, the belt will help relax tense pelvic ligaments which can tighten uncomfortably whenever a woman is undergoing her menstrual cycle, which will in turn reduce or eliminate abdominal and back pain.

So far, Hammacher claims that a 15-minute session offers hours of relief and can be repeated as often as required without any negative consequences.

[ Menstrual Cramp Relieving Compression Belt copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Apr 09, 2013 05:30 am | Edwin

US Navy gets laser cannon of their own

When do we see lasers in action? Well, most of the time, lasers are depicted in science fiction movies sometime in the far off future, where mankind has explored the galaxies far and wide, bringing along with them their sense of adventure and warfare (it is inevitable, as the entire universe is atrophying, so resisting conflict would be futile), and in a case of self-defense (or offense for some), a quick laser shot would do the trick nicely. Star Trek has their phasers, while the X-Wings in the Star Wars universe will see lasers shot from the tips of the S-Foils. The thing is, when will such high tech warfare and weaponry arrive on planet earth? It seems that the answer is "in the right here and now", where the US Navy has already received its very own kind of laser cannon that has made short work of drones bobbing away in a distance, and said laser cannons can be fitted to active warships.

The US Navy will obviously start to fit their own ships that sail the seven seas with lasers, touting that this represents the future of warfare. Also known as the Laser Weapon System or Laws for short, it has seen action in testing areas, shooting down drones, and considering how it relies on electricity to fire, it costs under $1 per shot – which should be as efficient in disabling a small vessel on the sea, and when you compare it to a $475,000 Sidewinder missile, it makes a whole lot more economical sense to implement Laws throughout their fleet, no?

Interestingly enough, the prototype is not expensive either, where it costs less than $40 million to make, which is a drop in the ocean that the US call their defense budget. It will be installed aboard the USS Ponce, where said vessel has been assigned to the status of a floating base in the Middle East, although this is set to happen sometime after October this year. The Navy has hope that incoming missiles will be unable to outmanoeuvre a highly accurate laser beam that is fired at the speed of light, and for the controller, this could very well be a video game of sorts, although real lives are at stake.

[ US Navy gets laser cannon of their own copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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Apr 09, 2013 05:00 am | Edwin

Zeit Eco electric scooter

We are all a far more environmentally conscious people these days, where the threat of global warming is very, very real. Of course, electric cars have yet to make it to the mainstream consciousness across the world, for obvious infrastructure reasons, and there is also the issue of costs involved, but it sure as heck is encouraging to see how the world is slowly but surely lowering their dependency on fossil fuels where vehicles are concerned, and instead, looking towards greener solutions, including hybrid ones. The Zeit Eco is definitely not the first kind of electric scooter that has been released, but according to the creators of the Zeit Eco, this particular compact last mile transport vehicle is able to stand out from the rest of the crowd, which we will deal with right after the jump.

For starters, the Zeit Eco comes with a hub motor that offers an electronically limited top speed of 15 mph (24 km/h), which will not make your adrenaline pump as though you were about to step on the accelerator while being involved in a drag race, and its standard battery pack ought to be decent enough to offer a range of anywhere from 16 to 25 miles (25 – 40 km) per full charge, depending on your weight, riding style and road conditions. Another feature of the Zeit Eco would be a built-in “glove compartment” that is large enough to ensure that a tablet remains safe from harm whenever you travel, while the included handlebar charging port will make sure that your mobile devices get some juice en route to your destination.

Not only that, there is also an onboard audio system that ought to offer the relevant entertainment on the go, although I would strongly recommend against wearing a pair of headphones as you zip around in this puppy, since hearing what is going on around you would make a whole lot more sense. This Kickcstarter project has started to receive pledges, which will begin from $1,700 a pop, and delivery is estimated to happen in November if all goes well. The funding window will remain open until May 17.

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[ Zeit Eco electric scooter copyright by Coolest Gadgets ]

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