Thursday, March 21, 2013

Convert video files for free with WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe

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03.21.2013  View in a Browser

Convert video files for free with WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe

03.20.2013 12:04 PM

Normally $49.95, Digiarty Software's utility can be yours free of charge, no strings attached.

Big monitor demand grows as overall display market shrinks

03.21.2013 10:15 AM

Market research firm IDC expects display shipments to contract by 6 percent in 2013, though people who do buy monitors will go for larger screens.



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Review: MuseScore is powerful and free musical notation software

03.20.2013 12:29 PM

This free cross-platform notation editor has a surprising amount of power and great looking notation. It's not as slick as some of the paid competition, but it will surpass the needs of most users.

Microsoft revives 'smoked' campaign to tout Windows Phone speed

03.20.2013 12:35 PM

The "smoked" campaign -- in which Microsoft shows off how quickly its phones can perform common tasks -- is back, and this time, Samsung's Galaxy S III is the target.

How to disable Office 2013's start screen

03.20.2013 12:44 PM

If you want to get straight to work, here's an easy way to bypass the new Word, Excel, and PowerPoint startup windows.

Feds will need a search warrant to read your email if new bill passes

03.20.2013 1:28 PM

The government will soon need a search warrant to go through your e-mail, if a bipartisan bill introduced on Tuesday in the Senate passes.

South Korea cyberattacks this week hold lessons for U.S.

03.20.2013 2:15 PM

U.S companies and government agencies can learn from the large-scale disruptions that have hit several banks and media outlets in South Korea in the last 24 hours, security analysts said.

Google takes aim at Evernote with its new Keep app

03.20.2013 2:58 PM

Google Wednesday launched a note-taking app for Android users called Keep. But Google had a note-taking service once, and killed it. So whats new?

Do new augmented reality patents hint at Apple's answer to Google Glass?

03.20.2013 3:00 PM

Augmented reality hasn't really become a thing, but it will once our gadgets catch up. This is what makes Apples new patents so interesting.

Are there 60 votes in the Senate for online sales taxes?

03.20.2013 5:00 PM

Congress is expected this week to take up a non-binding amendment to test support for online sales tax collections.

Ready for a new Google Docs alternative? Meet open source OX Documents

03.20.2013 5:29 PM

First to arrive will be a word-processing component enabling multidevice editing and collaboration on major text document formats.

HP quashes investor unrest, looks to servers for salvation

03.20.2013 5:38 PM

HP's annual shareholder meeting emphasized opportunities in IT and servers for the big-data economy, while the company remained completely silent about its faltering businesses in PC, workstations, and printers.

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